give peace a chance

Fluctuat nec mergitur 

Batida por las olas, pero no hundida”
Sí, lo único que decimos es dadle una oportunidad a la paz



one two three four


Everybody’s talking about

Bagism, Shagism,

Dragism, Madism,

Ragism, Tagism

This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m.


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Come to say it)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance




Everybody’s talking about


banisters and canisters

Bishops and Fishops

and Rabbis and Pop eyes,

And bye bye, bye byes.


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(What you say? 

give peace a chance)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Give it a chance, baby.

Give it a try! )


(Let me tell you now)

Everybody’s talking about

Revolution, evolution,

masturbation, Flagellation,

regulation, integrations,

Meditations, United Nations,



All we are saying

(Keep talking)

is give peace a chance

All we are saying

is give peace a chance


Oh, let’s stick to it


Everybody’s talking about

John and Yoko, Timmy Leary,

Rosemary,Tommy Smothers,

Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper,

Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer,

Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna,

Hare, Hare Krishna


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Come on, come on, come on!)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Let’s hear it this way!)


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

Let’s hear it for the hippies

and the Yippies

All we are saying


is give peace a chance

 (Let’s hear it for freedom now, yeah)


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Let’s hear it for Hare Krishna)yeah

All we are saying

(Hare Krishna)

is give peace a chance


(Everybody now, come on)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Come, say it, let me hear you)


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Everybody now, come on)

All we are saying

(It won’t let you, let you on it)

is give peace a chance (Yeah)


All we are saying

(Come together)

is give peace a chance

(Come together, all together)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Everybody hear me, yeah!)


All we are saying

(We can get it tomorrow, today)

is give peace a chance

(or if you want it now, say it it now)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Yes, yeah)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

OK beautiful, yeah!


uno, dos, tres, cuatro


Todo el mundo habla de

Intolerancia (estereotipos), amor libre

Travestis, Trastornados, 

harapos y marcas de consumo (Papanatismo)

Este ismo, ese ismo, ismo, ismo, ismo


Lo único que decimos es

Dadle una oportunidad a la paz

(ven a decirlo)

Lo único que decimos es

Dadle una oportunidad a la paz 




Todo el mundo habla de

Ministros, Gente siniestra

de apoyar la guerra, y botes antidisturbios

Obispos, Peces,

Rabinos y ojos saltones

Y de Adiós y Adioses


Lo único que estamos diciendo es

Dad una oportunidad a la paz

(¿Qué dices?,

Dale una oportunidad a la paz )

Lo único que decimos es

Dad una oportunidad a la paz

Dale una oportunidad a la paz, Cariño

¡Prueba a dársela!


Ahora deja que te diga

Todo el mundo habla de

Revolución, evolución,

Masturbación, flagelación,

normativa, integración

meditaciones, Naciones Unidas,



Lo único que estamos diciendo

(Sigue hablando)

 es dadle una oportunidad a la paz

Lo único que decimos es

Dad una oportunidad a la paz


Oh Concentrémonos en esto


Todo el mundo habla

John y Yoko, Timmy Leary,

Rosemary,Tommy Smothers,

Bobby Dylan,Tommy Cooper,

Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer,

Alan Ginsberg, Haré Krishna,

Hare. Hare Krishna.


Lo único que estamos diciendo

es dad una oportunidad a la paz

(Vamos, Vamos, Vamos)

Lo único que decimos

es dad una oportunidad a la paz

¡Aplaudamos por este lado!


Lo único que decimos

es dad una oportunidad a la paz

 Un aplauso por los hippies y

por los miembros del Partido Internac, de la  Juventud

Lo único que decimos


es dad una oportunidad a la paz

ahora un aplauso por la libertad, sí


Lo único que decimos

es dadle una oportunidad a la paz

ahora un aplauso por Krishna, sí

Lo único que decimos (ah)

(Hare Krishna)

es dad una oportunidad a la paz


Ahora todo el mundo, venga

Lo único que decimos

es dad una oportunidad a la paz

(Vamos, dilo? Quiero oírte a ti)


All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Everybody now, come on)

All we are saying

(It won’t let you, let you on it)

is give peace a chance (Yeah)


All we are saying

(Come together)

is give peace a chance

(Come together, all together)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Everybody hear me, yeah!)


All we are saying

(We can get it tomorrow, today)

is give peace a chance

(or if you want it now, say it it now)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

(Yes, yeah)

All we are saying

is give peace a chance

OK beautiful, yeah!

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